Where is the liver located on the female body

The liver performs many essential functions to maintain the body pure of toxins and dangerous materials and is the biggest glandular organ within the body.

This is a vital organ that supports virtually every organ in the entire body in certain facet. With no liver that is wholesome, a man cannot live.

The liver is recognized as a gland–an organ that secretes substances–because it creates bile, a substance needed to digest fats. The salts of bile break up fat into smaller bits therefore it could be consumed more readily in the little intestine.A typical adult liver weighs about three pounds. It receives about 1.5 quarts of blood every minute via the hepatic artery and portal vein.

The human liver is usually broken up into two lobes (left and right), if seen in the parietal surface; but if found in the visceral surface it’s split into four lobes together with the inclusion of the caudate and quadrate lobe. Other anatomical landmarks exist, including the ligamentum venosum (ligamentum of Arancio) as well as the round ligament (ligamentum Teres) that further break up the left side of the liver in two sections. The falciform ligament is visible in the front (anterior side) of the liver. This divides the liver into a left anatomical lobe, and a right anatomical lobe.

Liver location on the body

The liver is mainly located under the ribs, just mainly in the top right quadrant. In addition, it stretches over the center of the top abdomen and part way to the upper abdomen that is left. It’s an irregularly shaped, dome-like solid construction The liver contains two principal parts (a bigger right lobe and a smaller left lobe) and two small lobes. During inspiration, the liver is shoved down from the diaphragm as well as the low border of the liver descends below the border of the bottom rib (costal margin).


Human Liver - where is located

Liver location on the body – Illustration: wikipedia.org

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